Monday, May 19, 2008

Why have a bookkeeper?

Companies making a profit have one.

Robert Kiyosaki endorses it.

The need will only intensify to have one as the world becomes monetized and global.

Why have a bookkeeper?

Because without one means you are not keeping score, and if you are keeping score without one, it means your time is worth less than the cost of a bookkeeper. Ie. You shouldn't be in business.

The biggest issue stopping most business owners from hiring a bookkeeper is TRUST.

  • Trust that the information will be kept confidential
  • Trust that there will be no theft
  • Trust that the job will be done correctly
  • Trust that the job will be done efficiently
A friend of mine recently told me that the most common why deals, he was involved with, were agreed upon was with a face to face hand shake.

Nothing beats first impressions. Hiring a bookkeeper is no exception.

So over the next few posts, assuming you take the plunge and hire a bookkeeper, I will provide tools and knowledge to ensure that your trust in your bookkeeper is not misplaced.